04 October 2007

"IMMORTALITY" - what it means to die on the right side of history

Farewell trusted lieutenant
Like the others you surrender
‘Gainst the grim reaping contingent
There’s no earthly rejoinder.

No shrine to your successes
No praise from men of reputation
Will count as nation assesses
If you’re worthy of exaltation.

Weapons to persuade the masses
Beacons to enlighten history
Use them on the confused classes
How to win them is no mystery.

No right of reply when dead
No law after life on defamation
But fear not, trusted comrade
We secure your immortalisation.


"THE TREE" - the day the tree-huggers lost the battle

You were there
living signal to speeding driver
that city and nature have space for each other

You were left
pointing fingers at rush hour artery
that had razed your lush sanctuary

You were made
charming oddity for all to see
standing between lane two and three

You were damned
sentenced by intolerance
dismissed as inconvenience

You are dying
in silent pain as they saw
away with the might of the law

You are vanquished
lofty intentions bid lowly retreat
green slogans paved over with concrete


"SAILING" - with the wind to another world

Gentle nudges on uncertain bow
reluctance rules for still second
boat budges sails luff lazily
telltales desultory

Now in the open sea
waves bombard
starboard bow with stories
of arduous journeys from distant dangers
winds regale
surging sails with songs
of sleepy isles and busy harbours

Their rhymes and rhythms
bear the boat
on angels’ wings
flying on the breath of God