30 August 2006

"AWAKENING" - funny how politics entertain us but twice a decade

The underdogs had wasted no time
Five years sniffing out territory
Preparing for their rocky climb
Up the everest of political reality
Towards that foolish elusive ideal
Of stoking some democratic tradition
And growing from seed its appeal
Among the dozing docile nation.

Battered, belittled, still unscarred
The pack endured, more than cheered
By signs of welcome no-holds-barred.
Thirty thousand, not one as feared
Braved the mud and lightning storm
Shoulder to shoulder on tilted field
The underdogs surpassed their form
In the crowd they needed no shield.

Awakened from slumber the puppies
Opened eyes to a braver new world
From mere me-and-mine yuppies
Voices curbed and ideals furled
To excited electorate careless of cost
Ready to paint by numbers their desire.
Half the battle's won the other lost
Half a decade to fan the next fire.

Circus over, the players scatter
A meagre mixed trio left on stage
Strive in hope that they can matter
And somehow the doubts assuage.
But the underdogs soon despair
The great white troops rest assured
Their foes' campaign in disrepair
All chances of victory obscured.


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